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Saturday, February 3, 2018

Kids Yoga Props Props Props (and what a Kids & Family Yoga class may look like)!

 Different methodologies for teaching Yoga for Kids/ Behaviors you may Witness 
If you've ever attended a Toddler, Child, or Family Yoga class- you've probably noticed the difference in these classes from a regular adult yoga class. I'm a previous post, I've talked about the physical and emotional benefits of Kids Yoga. This post I'm just going to talk about what a class looks like and how fun it can be!

First there are usually two basic ways a trained Kids Yoga teacher teaches. Some are trained in the method of story telling and practicing yoga along with a story- verbally or with a book. The other way is through songs, games, and partner poses. I teach this way, so you'll hear lots of singing, music over the stereo, games, conversations, and practicing yoga with partners. 

The class is usually pretty loud.  Tantrums may happen (and that's 100% okay). Your children may refuse to participate and sit against the wall and pout (I can promise they are still listening and will probably do the whole yoga routine once you get home). They may be completely engaged and do things you may not have thought possible!  It's all okay!

Kids Yoga is all about sharing these games, songs, and poses to teach yoga, but it's also about: communication, building relationships, spending time together with friends and loved ones, and just trying something new.  I've heard from many parents after class that they felt embarrassed that their child was crying or rolling around on the floor.  Don't be!  I know it might feel strange, but we've all been there (well my baby is 8 months, so I'll be there soon).  The very young kiddos are observing and learning- so before you know it, they'll be participating just like some of the older kids!

So below is a brief description of what one of my Toddler, Kid, and Family classes may look like.  Baby yoga is a bit different.  The focus is on the baby and bonding with the caregiver.  We do gentle movements and songs that help promote development.  Teen Yoga is more like adult yoga, except we don't have to be silent.  We practice at a faster pace learning more vinyasa flow poses, but we allow and encourage conversation.  We may discuss issues facing teenagers like body image, self-esteem, patience, communication, nutrition, and stress management.

A brief description of Toddler, Kid, and Family Yoga class by Lauren Young Yoga.

The first thing you will do is take off your shoes (we don't want anyone getting kicked with a sneaker) and if the floor is slippery- maybe your socks too.  When entering my class, you'll probably hear the latest KIDZ BOP album playing if the age group is elementary age.  If I'm teaching Toddler you'll hear more little kid friendly tunes.  The teacher should be very flexible- a lot of the time, especially in Family Yoga, we aren't sure of the age range until the kiddos are right in front of us.
You may walk in and see yoga blocks and bolsters all over the floor to allow the kiddos to have some free play before class.  This isn't possible unless of course you are attending a class in a Yoga Studio.  Otherwise they'll have the music to dance to!

If the class is not HUGE and the space works, we'll set our mats up in a circle so we can all face each other while we practice (I started using a circular mandala tapestry to assist everyone in forming their circle- you wouldn't believe how hard it can be for kids to figure out how to make a circle with their mat). 

We settle onto our mat and usually start with centering, which is just settling into the room and on our mat.  I go over the sequence of the class (I make sure to leave out super exciting things like the parachute so the kids can enjoy the class instead of waiting for the parachute to come out).  I typically go over behavior expectations and let the parents know it's okay if the child won't participate or if the child isn't doing the pose perfectly. The goal is to have fun and bond!

Next we move onto the breath.  In Kids Yoga there are all kinds of fun regulated breathing techniques that are taught!  Some that I can think of right now are: elevator breath, lions breath, balloon breath, hot chocolate breath, alternate nostril breathing.  We also do things like blow pom poms around, blow pinwheels and use props like scarves to watch it dance from our breath.  Check out photos of some of the props we use for breathing and a live action photo of students using balloon breath with the sphere and pom pom breathing races (everyone wins too)!

Warming up our body is next.  We usually will do gentle warm ups by using a song or soft music.  A great Warm Up is a Sun Salutation, which we also do in adult yoga class.  There is a really fun song by Kira Willey called Dance For the Sun, that helps the littles enjoy this exercise by using lyrics like "Reach up high- wave to the sun (upward salute).  Hang down low- tickle your toes (forward fold). "  I posted the video at the end of this post!  The rest of her songs are so great as well!

Next is different poses.  A great way to teach them is to use a visual yoga card deck.  I love the kind from Yoga Ed. called, Yoga Pretzels.  After we learn some poses we usually put them to use in a game (a fan favorite is musical mats) and then some partner poses!  We end with a short "relaxation" using magic mist (a blend of lavender essential oil and water) to spray over everyone.  We listen to a short visualization or a kid friendly song to help us relax. 

Lastly I ring the bell for us all to come together and say goodbye.  We bring our hands together in peace hands at our heart, take a deep breath in and let it out, then we say the "Namaste" which means a few different things.  It could mean: Hello, Goodbye, Thank you, You're welcome, and the good in me recognizes the good in you- or the light in me, recognizes the light in you. 

Thank you for reading!  Please reach out for any questions!  Namaste.

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